// Default parameters var default_search_url = "http://www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/search.do?action=searchresult&navId=NAV_ID_province&qp=&nh=10&qt=a"; var default_search_query =""; var default_advsearch_url = "http://www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/search.do?action=advsearch"; var default_help_url = "http://www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/content.do?brwId=@20uAj|0YQtuW"; var default_contact_url = "http://www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/channel.do?action=govOrg&channelID=-8353"; var default_main_url = "http://www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/index.do"; /* * Header Search submit method. */ function submit_search() { var strUrl = default_search_url;//getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_search_url' ); var strQuery = getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_search_query' ); var ministryHeader = getElementValue( document, 'ministry_search' );// User selected either "entire site" = 0 OR "this section" = 1 var ministrySearch = ""; if ( ministryHeader.length > 0 ) { // If we are using the radio buttons then which one was chosen? ministrySearch = getTheCheckedValue( document.seekheader1.ministry_search );// User selected either "entire site" = 0 OR "this section" = 1 } if ( strQuery.length > 0 && ministrySearch == "1" ) { // then lets use the custom url path and assign it to the qp value of the form before submission document.seekheader1.qp.value = strQuery; //add custom data here! } else { document.seekheader1.qp.value = default_search_query; // Currently empty string } if ( strUrl.length > 0 ) { //Create the url for the location strUrl = strUrl + getQueryString( document.seekheader1, strUrl ); setLocation( document, strUrl ); } else { document.seekheader1.submit(); } return; } /* * Header Search Form submit method. */ function submit_searchform() { var strUrl = default_search_url;//getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_search_url' ); var strQuery = getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_search_query' ); var ministryHeader = getElementValue( document, 'ministry_search' ); var ministrySearch = ""; if ( ministryHeader.length > 0 ) { ministrySearch = getTheCheckedValue( document.seekheader1.ministry_search ); } if ( strQuery.length > 0 && ministrySearch == "1" ) { document.seekheader1.qp.value = strQuery; } else { document.seekheader1.qp.value = default_search_query; } if ( strUrl.length > 0 ) { strUrl = strUrl + getQueryString( document.seekheader1, strUrl ); setLocation( document, strUrl ); return false; } else { return true; } } /* * Header Advanced Search submit method. */ function submit_advsearch() { var strUrl = getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_advsearch_url' ); if ( strUrl.length <= 0 ) { strUrl = default_advsearch_url; } setLocation( document, strUrl); } /* * Header Help submit method. */ function submit_help() { var strUrl = getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_help_url' ); if ( strUrl.length <= 0 ) { strUrl = default_help_url; } setLocation( document, strUrl); } /* * Header Contact Us submit method. */ function submit_contact() { var strUrl = getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_contact_url' ); if ( strUrl.length <= 0 ) { strUrl = default_contact_url; } setLocation( document, strUrl ); } /* * Header Main Index submit method. */ function submit_main() { var strUrl = getElementValue( document, 'dynamic_main_url' ); if ( strUrl.length <= 0 ) { strUrl = default_main_url; } setLocation( document, strUrl); } /* * Return the value of the specified element on any form. */ function getElementValue( theDocument, elementName ) { for ( var i=0; i < theDocument.forms.length; i++ ) { for ( var j=0; j < theDocument.forms[i].elements.length; j++ ) { if ( theDocument.forms[i].elements[j].name == elementName ) { return theDocument.forms[i].elements[j].value; } } } return ''; } /* * Return a formatted query string generated from the Form elements. */ function getQueryString( theForm, strUrl ) { var strQuery = ''; if ( strUrl.indexOf( "?" ) < 0 ) { strQuery = "?"; } else if ( strUrl.charAt( strUrl.length - 1 ) != "&" ) { strQuery = "&"; } for ( var i=0; i < theForm.elements.length; i++ ) { strQuery = strQuery + escape(theForm.elements[i].name) + '=' + escape(theForm.elements[i].value).replace(/\+/g,"%2B"); if ( i < theForm.elements.length - 1 ) { strQuery = strQuery + '&'; } } return strQuery; } function getTheCheckedValue( radioarray ) { for ( var i = 0; i < radioarray.length; i++ ) { if ( radioarray[i].checked ) { return radioarray[i].value; } } } /* * Set the location of the browser to the URL parameter. */ function setLocation( theDocument, strUrl ) { // alert( strUrl ); theDocument.location = strUrl; return; }